21st Annual Day of the Hog – Saturday, September 21st 2024
What is day of the Hog?
The 21st Annual Day of the HOG is a poker run and rally held by Dillon Brothers Harley-Davidson. The poker run will begin and end at Dillon Brothers Omaha, located on 174th & West Maple Road. Enjoy good food and cold drinks to end the day while rocking out to live music by Grunge Pop.
When is Day of the Hog?
The Day of the Hog is Saturday, September 21st, 2024. You can pre-register at the store anytime up to September 1st.
Registration on the day of the ride is from noon until 1pm on July 20th.
Rider: $20/per person
Passenger Only: $10/per person
Noon – 1PM – Registration at Dillon Brothers Omaha
The ride leaves Dillon Brothers at 1 pm.
There will be multiple stops on the way.
Registration Info
Pre-registration is anytime at Dillon Brothers HD in Omaha. Pre-registration ends on Sept 1st.
On Saturday, September 21st, 2023, starting at 12:00 pm you can register for the event at Dillon Brothers Harley-Davidson on 174th and Maple in Omaha. Registration closes at 1pm on the day of the event.
The Ride
We will set off at 1 pm from Dillon Brothers Harley-Davidson in Omaha. The ride will end back at Dillon Brothers Harley-Davidson in Omaha where we start off the concert and other event festivities.
The Party
The poker ride is a blast, but the fun doesn’t end there. Back at Dillon Brothers Harley-Davidson, there will be great food, cold drinks, and live music by Grunge Pop. You don’t want to miss it!
For more information or to learn more about our locations, please visit our Dillon Brothers website at www.dillonbrothers.com, our contact page by CLICKING HERE.
You can also visit our FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE to stay in the loop.